
The Z Bar hanger is a simple, two bracket assembly that locks together. One z bar bracket is secured on the wall while the other z bar bracket is secured on the object to be hung. The Z Bar hanger, also known as a z bar or zbar, is simple, fast and cost effective. picture hanging, mirror hanging and...
Excellent for hanging mounted art on Foam and gator-foam by gluing one Zbar hanger to Back of the Art Work.
Ez-Zbar hanger. for heavy installation up to 400 LB .
from the wall to zbar hanger you will have 3/16" to 1/4" gap.
This zbar hanger comes in 6' and smaller
Zbar hanger is hanging system for heavy Item installation
can be cut to any size by your request in comment area
Z Bar hanger with holes every 1"
Z Bar hanger to hang level every time.
Z Bar largest stick size: 6' X 1 1/4" X .080"
Designed to hang large,over-sized and heavy objects.
Great commercial and residential applications:
weighted mirrors ,over-sized art work, Microwave ,head boards, security and safety , hangs tightly to wall, mantel ,hotels/security installation , restaurants ,door headboard ,senior & medical buildings ,corporate offices, wood cornices, drapery box, blinds box, panel, flat screen tv, mirror over bed and..
100% extruded aluminum with pre- drilled holes every 4" for easy stud positioning
easy to Place ! Easy to remove! perfectly secure!
Z Bar hanger cuts to size with hand or power saw.
Attach one metal z bar bracket to the back of your frame or art works, and the other z bar hanger to the wall.
Z Bar Hanger is Earthquake Safe
Hardwar is not included
1 set $43.50
10 set $295.00
100 set $2663.00